Sitemap - 2023 - The Soering Case

A Revealing, Embarrassing Time Capsule from 2013

End of Year Wrap-Up 2023

My New YouTube Series on the Söring Case, Part 1

Why I Don't Buy the 2-Perpetrator Theory

What's it Like to get Sued for Libel in Germany?

Soering News Roundup: Am I a Secret Nazi? The Answer Will Shock You!

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown on the Soering Case

Chapter 13 of "Murder or Martyr? Jens Soering, the Media, and the Truth"

John Grisham Jumps Ship from book by Hamburg Ghostwriter Daniela Hillers

I Answer Viewer Questions for North German Broadcasting

Let's Convince WSET's Noreen Turyn to Interview Me

Professor McClintock's Luminol Mistake

Karin Steinberger: Andrew Hammel ist vielleicht "extrem gefährlich"

A Roundup of Söring News

Biologist Dan Krane Refutes the DNA Myth (Again)

Chapter 2 of "Martyr or Murderer": The Christmas Letter

Daniela Hillers Doxes Elizabeth Haysom

"Ricky not telling the truth"

Söring Fan Ralf Höcker Loses His Marbles

Söring's Innocence Story is Still Dead

Judge Ralph Guise-Rübe Appears in a Podcast and Deceives Listeners

Söring on Netflix: "This Concoction is Really Unsatisfactory"

Two Documentaries and a Podcast on DD-Day (-1)

"Making Hot, Sweaty Love": Jens Söring releases an XXX-rated Audiobook

Interview, Book News, Söring Goes Silent, "Convicting a Murderer"

"Martyr or Murderer?" Available for Pre-Order Now

Netflix and ARD: Nov. 1 is D-D (Documentary-Documentary)-Day!

Clip Show: "The Mysterious, Menacing "Dr." Mathias Schröder"

The Mauritanian Posting

Amanda Knox and Christopher Robinson Put Truth First

My Interview with Amanda Knox and Christopher Robinson

Marcus Vetter and Georg Zengerling in 2016

"The Soering System" in English!

Juror Jake Bibb Would have Convicted Söring Anyway

A Brief Reminder Why Jens Söring Will Never Agree to DNA Testing

The Jens Soering Netflix Series Has a Face!

Corruption in the Virginia Department of Forensic Sciences and the Söring Case

German Lawyer Burkhard Benecken Becomes Söring's Latest "Useful Idiot": Part II

The Most Important Document in the Söring Case: The 30 December 1986 Interview

Is There Anyone Willing to Speak for Jens Söring Left? Anyone? Bueller?

Jens Söring's Lawyers Did Not Want the Jury Thinking About DNA

German Lawyer Burkhard Benecken Becomes Söring's Latest "Useful Idiot": Part I

Söring isn't afraid a judge will say no to new DNA tests. He's afraid a judge will say yes.

Sandy Thornton Prepares for the Spotlight

Can Inspector Daniela Finally Crack the Case?

Daniela Hillers is Writing a Book about the Söring Case!

David Simon Denounces the "Astounding Disaster" that is True-Crime Journalism

New Article Quoting Me Appears in the Südwest-Presse

A Fun Trip Down a Rabbit Hole

My Deep Dive into "Serial" and the Adnan Syed Case

The "21-Day" Rule isn't Relevant to Söring's Case

"An Open Invitation to Debate John Grisham, Jason Flom, Amanda Knox, Bill Sizemore, Marcus Vetter, Karin Steinberger, and/or Chip Harding" (original post March 14, 2022)

Söring Goes Silent and Best of the Old Blog

Rheinische Post journalist Susanne Zolke joins the Onoda Society

Söring Pays My Excellent Lawyer David Ziegelmayer and is Planning Something "Big" with John Grisham (Who Still Refuses to Debate Me)

Alex Murdaugh Will Be Innocent in 10 Years

25 Fragen für Jens Söring

25 Questions for Jens Söring

A Different Kind of "Mystery Dinner"

Jens Söring was "Lynched" by Bedford County

ProSieben Accepts Reprimand for Söring Innocence Claim

Söring Should be Grateful to Richard Neaton

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