Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Liked by Andrew Hammel

Well said. I never believed Haysom‘s assertions about her drug activities in Washington D.C.

I know DC and Georgetown well. Georgetown did and still does have a bustling nightlife, busy with students, tourists and locals. But it is also an upscale residential neighborhood with expensive historic homes. Local rumor has it that Georgetown never got its own Metro stop because the locals wanted to keep the riffraff out.

I seriously doubt that as a white woman from out of town with no local connections you could just walk the streets of Georgetown for a bit and “score” anything more than a little low grade weed.

And if - as she later claimed - was setting up an alibi for both of them, why would she engage in illegal activity that put her at risk of being mugged, arrested or both?

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Interview mit Jens Söring im «20 Minuten»:


Meine Reaktion darauf:

Sehr geehrte Frau Mazzeo

Bei Jens Söring handelt es sich um einen verurteilten Doppelmörder, welcher in einem fairen und rechtsstaatlichen Prozess verurteilt wurde. Die Beweise sind erdrückend und lassen keine Zweifel an seiner Schuld aufkommen. Demgegenüber stellt Söring öffentlich Behauptungen auf, welche der Faktenlage klar widersprechen. Ich mache Sie in diesem Zusammenhang auf den forensisch fundierten Bericht des in den Fall involvierten damaligen britischen Polizisten Terry Wright aufmerksam:


Ebenso hat sich der in Düsseldorf lebende ehemalige texanische Strafverteidiger Andrew Hammel sehr eingehend und faktenbasiert mit dem Fall befasst und ein Buch geschrieben. Er betreibt auch einen Blog zum Fall Jens Söring:


Es wäre für die Leser von 20 Minuten äusserst spannend und aufschlussreich, wenn sie nun im Anschluss an dieses Interview noch eine Stellungnahme von Herrn Hammel zu diesem Fall lesen könnten. Ein Interview eines ehemaligen Verteidigers von Straftätern im texanischen Todestakt wäre für die Leser sehr attraktiv und würde es ihnen erlauben, sich über den Fall Söring ein ausgewogenes Bild zu machen.

Freundliche Grüsse

Urs Bleiker

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Obviously and proven by their argumentation....Hammel, Wright and Team Haysom are all buying Haysoms narrative that Haysom had written down her card number on that piece of paper. Or more or less. Hammel, Wright and Team Haysom put it into Haysom's mouth. Even Updike was getting deeply stressed by Haysom alternating her story in courtroom and confusing everyone.

There is simply no proof for it cause neither Hammel, nor Wright know the real card number of Haysom's card in '85.

Even the fact that Christine K. had written the alibi timeline, which also pointed to the loss of the card number she didn't confirm anything about a call or referring to that detail to the police/trial. It is simply bullshit and a fake detail of a faked alibi timeline. Why?

Because in 1989 Haysom admitted that she made 400USD cash profit by selling jewels to jewelry shops she had called before from the hotel room on Saturday. So that four digit number could be anything.

Interesting that she had to admit in court that she had stolen jewelry from her mother one week before the killings on her dad's birthdayparty. That behaviour really indicates her criminal energy following the plan of both to generate cash which is not trackable. E.g. buying two murder weapons, cinema tickets, fuel and other stuff they needed.

Haysom's halfbrother Howard Haysom didn't get that very important information of 1989. But in 1987 he didn't buy her story to have scored drugs in a bar and running out of money for the 2nd ticket of the last movie RHP.

So the 400USD cash matches the fact that there is no call or need for card numbers.

But Howard Haysom was very smart. He also knew that both had been expected, that the Haysom's wouldn't have invited Soering without her daughter and that the tax declaration had been transferred from Loose Chipping by the killers to DC because Veryan was awaiting that letter which was postmarked in DC two days after the killings!!!

These points are the big key to the 2 perp version. The only thing which is tricky to explain are the movie tickets for the 10.15 pm movie, which are most likely printed at the moment you'll buy them. And that plan was clearly Soering's part cause Haysom's story relating the movie tickets is a nobrainer! They both had persuaded the seller to get them later by paying them upfront which is not a real problem.

The letters and their behaviour after the killings strongly confirm the 2 perp version. If you'll analyze the autopsy pictures you will see that the slash wounds in Dereks upper body are on his left side. That matches the most likely version in which Derek Haysom was attacked at the table from the front right. This is only possible if Nancy Haysom was not sitting at the table. Therefore the blood leakage to the front left on the table and on the floor as seen from DH's point of view. This corroborates the almost clean surface of Haysom's seat. Soering's version of a single killer cutting Haysom from behind at the table is impossible and there is a reason why the pathologist in the Netflix series was talking about a final throat cut at the end of the attack!

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