Could it be possible that the people were photoshopped into this picture? It seems fake somehow; transitions look strange. I don't like it that such young people are associated with him during that negative public discussion.

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I don’t know at which University he gave the recent talk you are referring to but I found an upcoming talk at the ‘Juristische Studiengesellschaft Hannover’. Is it likely that he gave his recent talk there as well ? The irony is that his next talk is in a courtroom! Interested is also that his old friend Christian Wulff (see also a recent Instagram post where Soering posted a picture of them together having lunch) is listed on the same page as an upcoming speaker. I reckon Wulff has pulled a few strings to get Soering a platform on the law society speaker circuit.


Dienstag 13. Dezember 2022

Jens Söring


„Gefängnisleben im amerika­nischen Straf­vollzug“

Ort: Landgericht Hannover, Volgersweg 65, Hannover

Beginn: 19:00 Uhr

Here is the link to the original source


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Further to my comment above the organiser states:

“ Freier Eintritt zu allen Ver­an­stal­tun­gen — Gäste sind will­kommen.

Nach den Vorträgen besteht jeweils Gelegen­heit zur Diskussion.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone who knows the Söring case well attended this event, particularly if there is room for ‘discussion’ afterwards?! This would provide some much needed corrections if Söring peddles his innocence claim again during this event.

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