Herr Höcker demonstriert durch seinen Kommentar eindringlich, dass nicht jede Person, die Rechtswissenschaften studiert hat, auch das erforderliche Maß an Ethik, Moral und Gewissen mitbringt.

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It's beyond every kind of serious behaviour how Herr Höcker acts publicly. Far beyond every legal standards. If I was a student at Cologne Business School , I would deny participate his lessons.... I don't have any words to describe this. Neither in English nor in German...

But it seems that Söring has definitly a clou on seedy lawyers. As you have even mentioned Burkhard Benecken, he goes even further than

Höcker concerning supporting Sörings story. He even published the Bennecken-Report which contains lies over and over...

By the way: Half of your book is read ( I'm working on finishing it as soon as possible) and I can join the Amazon review above: Written in a very precicly and easy readable English, which is even understandable by non native speakers without missing quality! The plot is - unquestionable- very perfectly based upon the existing facts- far beyond any speculations! Buy and read it!!!!

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What JS is doing - especially with women - is a kind of "Brainwashing", which reminds me on a sect founded in LA long years ago to get people to be "clear" (look a the post of "Klara"). I have documents about it, but I cannot use them. What Hoecker does to AH is no wonder, it is not the first time he does it to people, who do not share his opinions. JS has spent 33 in prison, which is a long time. But the real interesting point is, that he argues like a "postmodern Rattenfänger", not to mention the term we use in the "Rheinland" for such people. His "Whitewashing Strategies" are full of contradictions. I never red any post by AH without a consistent discussion to the point, with many interesting legal informations. This "JS-Fraction" are based on believings and irrational belongings. More and more it is an "inner circle". I will surely read this book!

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Jens, a postmodern pied-piper! That is funny, but I think there is something to that. I know that Jens read diligently in a lot of areas that I would consider--I would have considered at that age--to be unusual. For example, he read a lot of Alan Watts, starting in his early teens, definitely postmodern right from the start. He got into Zen and fancied himself a Taoist. He surely read Carlos Castaneda. He read some Freud. He read Watts's 'Become What You Are ' which counsels one with that odd idea you are already there, if only you knew. "Just do it' would mean to Jens that maybe the 'it' was cosmically ordained. He got into Neurolinguistic Programming, whatever that may be, and that was in 1983-84. He tried self-hypnotism, also in December 1984. (I would like to know more about that.) He practiced 'self-centering prayer' for a long time and I do not know what that is. (Was that a way to erase guilt? This form of prayer really being self-hypnotism?) And he played the dangerously amoral Dungeons and Dragons 'game' probably for a couple of years, because he was able to go home in the afternoons on a permanent athletic excuse. He knows what it means to be a Dungeon Master , one who directs things and who must be obeyed. Giving orders comes naturally.

And there is his special relationship with women. There were three very important women in his life and he did just what they told him to do. Women know something about him. There were girls in Watson who really liked him. I have said that I would see him at MCC when I was visiting Big Joe on Death Row, sitting there in the adjacent visitor's room cuddling with an older lady from Liberty Baptist Church Outreach program . They would do this for a long time. There are photos of him cuddling with his lawyer from Orange, Gail Starling Marshall, a Georgia cracker, when she visited him in Germany. (What is this cuddling thing?, asked the old bachelor.) I think his relationship with his group (or Fraktion) must be intense and mutually rewarding. Communication must be quite diligent. Both he and Elizabeth were incredibly good at that. Elizabeth would be outraged if she didn't get a letter when she thought one was due. As she warned Jens: 'beware the flame thrower.' Still, though these two may have been post-modern, they conducted an 18th Century- Clarissa style epistolary romance.

(If I said that these two were Sonnenkinder, would that mean anything to anyone here who knows German archeological culture in re Mesopotamia?)

One might even wildly speculate that all along his post-prison destiny was L.A. Jens is after all an American. Curiously, he seems to be even a Californian. The severity of Jens's sentence is that his way west to his Mecca seems to be denied to him. There he could have founded a group, a 'family', a commune, a Taoist temple, a sodality, a religious cult, something like that. ( A Stiftung?) Somewhere in all this there must have been the influence of his first guru, Alan Watt, whose schooling was at a famous school, King's College, hard by Canterbury Cathedral, and who, at one point looks to me like he was in the FBI. Before L.A., of course. And Jens's 'cult' would not necessarily have to turn out like Marshall Applegate's Heaven's Gate. There were communes in central Virginia that lasted for thirty years or more after the Vietnam years.

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I would have thought that you and Ralf Hocker would be on the same side in the Soering matter. As a speaker on media law at the first conference of the 'free media' --hardcore, rightwing bloggers and Youtubers--invited to the Bundestag by the AfD in May, 2019, Hocker quoted Steve Bannon's famous remark about how to deal with his enemies , the woke, Marxist, critical race-theory espousing, activist media in the US : "flood the zone with shit." Then went on to say: "That can't be your claim." He proceeded to give a number of examples to the alternative bloggers of cases in Germany where the "serious mainstream media have exceeded the boundaries of journalistic ethics and what is legally permissible."

"My appeal to you: Don't imitate them. Stay clean, be journalistic do-gooders." The reporter, Till Eckert, writing (May 21, 2019, for Correctiv--"First Conference of the Free Media: How the AfD invited right-wing bloggers and identitarians to the Bundestag") added "There is no applause."

But then Hocker listed cases of lawsuits (quite a few of which he had pursued) against the "mass media" by the AfD, which had been successful, which for the first time resulted in vigorous applause and laughter.

So Hocker has come down hard famously and publicly on fake news and on a perceived disregard of journalistic ethics by the mainstream media. O.K. Cool. So. Let's see now. What the fuck about Jens Soering's breaching of the boundaries of journalistic ethics? What about Jens Soering's systematic, obsessive promulgating of deceptive and fake reporting about the British and American juridical decisions pertaining to him and to his co-defendant? What about his grandiose , bizarre, systematic, malicious, mendacious defamation of apparently, you might as well say, the entire corpus of American common law, or apparently his steadily expanding deranged desire to punish anyone or anything that offends him?

What about whole question of Jens Soering's mental stability? Has a maddened , psychotic Jens just cried out for help from Hocker? Is that why the 'inhumane' (somewhat trollish) accusation has popped up? Hocker feels Soering's pain?

I will say again. Should not Andrew Hammel and Ralph Hocker logically be allies? If the Cologne lawyer believes what he says? Aren't they both 'journalistic do-gooders?'

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Wenn andere bessere Argumente haben, sollte man das Selbstvertrauen haben, seine Position zu überprüfen. Rumpöbeln, nur weil man auf der Sachebene unterlegen ist, ist ein Zeichen von Schwäche. Danke, Herr Hammel, für Ihre fundierte Arbeit hier in diesem Blog.

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Nov 7, 2023
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Herr Hammel hat niemals Söring das Recht abgesprochen, einer Arbeit nachzugehen. Er hat lediglich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass Söring weiterhin Personen nachweislich diffamiert und darüber hinaus mit dieser Vorgehensweise versucht, einen finanziellen Vorteil für sich zu generieren.

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Inwieweit hat Höcker denn bitteschön Recht? Wie begründet Herr Höcker denn sachlich, dass Herr Hammel ein kranker Misanthrop ist? Gibt es Äußerungen, die Herr Hammel getätigt hat, die diese Annahme rechtfertigen?

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