Well, even he is physically free, he'll never be mentally. Because he knows he is lying and he knows he has to keep lying. He knows, that everyone who knows the truth has turned away. He is his own prisoner and that is worse than prison I guess. Sad story, so many destroyed lives...

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(Banned)Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

Yes he is lying. One question for you. Forget about what you might know about the case and think of the version that Haysom and Soering did it together.

1. What do you think Soering should do?

2. What might help Soering or Haysom to reach the point of a coming out and tell the final truth.

3. What do you think might change in your attitude towards the murderer who start with such a coming out?

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I don't think she was at the crime scene, because:

1. No one ever brought up this version in the last 37 years.

2. She showed strong emotional reaction after photos of the bodies (with heads allmost separated from the bodies) had been shown to her. Remember that was the reason, she wrote the "finish relationship letter" to Jens and gave up on fighting extradiction.

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Soering’s Youtube Kanal wird nichts. Es sei denn, es werden dort follower gekauft genau wie das bei seinem Instagram Kanal gelaufen ist. Sieht ein Blinder mit Krückstock was da abging. Als er noch Knacki war, stiegen seine Insta follower Zahlen rasant über Nacht von knapp Tausend auf über 10.000. Dann sanken sie etwas ab und blieben bei circa 7 1/2 Tausend stehen. Haben Sie das damals irgendwo mal thematisiert in nem Artikel? Sind nicht wirklich die großen Millionen/Massen an neuen followers hinzugekommen seitdem er frei ist. Scrollt mal durch seine followers! es wimmelt von gekauften accounts. Man kann fürs eigene Konto gucken, was die Demografie//Statistik der follower ist. Wäre spannend, die von Söring zu sehen. Fragen kann man ihn nicht. Die kommis auf seinem YT kanal werden zensiert und gelöscht, genau wie bei Insta und FB.

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022

The medias who dig him becoming cheaper and cheaper.... Nothing but the same old stories, yawn. In fact, there are four possibilities about what happend that night: his first version (I was it alone), her version (we did it together(, his version 1990 I(she was it alone, noone in the court believed him) and since 1997 or so many versions about "The Third Man", without any proof. More and more he makes himself a slapstick-figure... There is a simliar case in Bavaria right now.

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