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(Banned)Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

I think that Frieser is not a stupid man. In 1986 he was convinced that Soering is guilty cause of his confession and the "general" rule who says to be a killer is the killer. But Frieser pointed out that he had realized some points of GM's arguments. But Frieser isn't interested in discussing the point guilty or not guilty. His job was to realize Soering's transfer from the US to Germany which is based on a legal contract between the US and Germany. Don't forget that in 2010, that had almost happened, if..... Frieser is motivated by the ethical idea of a second chance for a German convicted killer. Frieser mentioned only once that he thinks that Soering might be not guilty in a camera, cause there is no proof for him being at the crime scene. That is a legal opinion. In contrast to your conviction, Frieser don't know what had happened in that murder night. And so the Jury didn' t know that either. My persuation is that they did it together. Imagine what you might have to change in your writing the past 2.5 years according to this version. 😁

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