Aug 4, 2022Liked by Andrew Hammel

Ja, los Herr Hammel! Erwähnen Sie die „Akte“ von Herrn Lapekas, die super beweist, daß damals zwei andere Damen , und eben nicht Elisabeth Haysom, tatverdächtig waren und die gar kein Täterprofil enthält. Los, schreiben Sie was drüber! ich freu mich drauf!

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Profiles, even when (unlike this case) they actually do exist, are educated guesses, and not evidence. At best.

At worst, they are junk science tools used to help frame innocent people. Like the "profile" tailored by John Douglas was used to help frame Guy Paul Morin for a child murder of which Morin was completely innocent.

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(Banned)Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Next weak blog entry, Andrew.

This is obviously written for the handfull fellows on "allmystery" 😉 whoop.

Well, the easiest thing at first. Sulzbach got it right as Elizabeth Haysom and Jens Soering did it together!!!

- relationship to the victims

- easy entry

- strong motive

- overkill (multiple stabbings and throat cut)

- slitted housecoat and naked legs by Nancy

were not a problem

- women shoesize at the crime scene


The next thing is even easier, Andrew. You just have to follow the press media.

Sheriff Wells said in an interview on Friday after the killings that they ordered the help of the FBI. So far they did not know the following:

- 1 or 2 killers

- from Lynchburg or Canada

- whether the killers knew the family

- what was the motive

Sheriff Wells called the FBI also for finding leads to Canada AND for sticking together a personality profile helping them in finding suspects. It is about profiling people, that are found responsible for brutal stabbings in g e n e r a l!!!

In other words, Wells, Reid & Gardner were completely lost 2 days after finding the bodies, when Wells had contacted the FBI for their help.

Andrew, if you would just use your common sense instead of copying subtitles of Killing for love on storyville, it would obviously come to your mind, that the personality profile truely existed, cause an order for demand by Sheriff Wells in an investigation with no result is nonsense! If you do not believe it, just ask him before writing your speculations or producing false facts.


The next thing which should come to your mind, is that rookie Gardner really had prooved himself as the first homocide rookie as he didn't know what his big chief Sheriff Wells was organizing behind the scenes, while he himself was interviewing the Haysom's neighbourhood the first days (a rookie job!).

So Sulzbach is not a liar.

But you have to use his profile against the crime scene and not simply against what Soering is telling you🤦

@Ralf B

Du hast es immer noch nicht gecheckt. Das Profile von Sulzbach war namenlos. Das diente blos dazu Verdächtige auszumachen. Schade, dass man Haysom nachdem sie sich in DC mit dem Wagen ca. 200 Meilen vereierte und dieser Brief aus Haysoms Haus am 01.04.85 in DC abgestempelt wurde und bei Gardner aufschlug damals (nach ihrem 2. Interview) nicht auch direkt an den Lie Detector angeschlossen hat, wie die Ex vom Halbbruder. Das hätte viel Zeit gespart und ein eindeutiges endgültiges Ergebnis zu den Tatanwesenden erbracht!

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Warum erwähnst du die Akte nicht, die Stan Lapekas gefunden hat? Warum erwähnst du die Pressekonferenz nicht ?


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