The timing of the murders made no sense for Elizabeth and Showalter argued persuasively that she was an accessory after the fact. That was before the cinema tickets and room service receipt surfaced unexpectedly during Soering's trial.
I have just lost a couple of longish comments. This is a test response.
First of all, I was not implying I had new information about Jens using the Process to attack--to strike at--certain people. I do think he was yanked out of Brunswick and sent to Wallens Ridge (probably given fifteen minutes to pack his stuff) for remarks he made (years after he had entered the system) to a reporter obliquely (by way of EH perjurious and defamatory testimony) in a newspaper outside of the Ville, might have been the News and Advance. As you know, the prison doesn't need to say anything about prisoner infractions. They just act.
The students who spoke to the press , even some who allowed their names to be used, were following an unwritten tradition among the Jefferson scholars that if an occasion arose in which one could help the University, it would be the right thing to do. Jim Farmer was the one who told me that. Look what was done to his reputation. Do the Germans have a saying such as the English "Touch pitch and be defiled"?
The remarks were aimed at Mrs. Massie if framed in a discussion of unanswered questions about the case, and someone noticed them and spoke to the DOC about what turned out to be an actionable prisoner offense. So all of Jens's lamentations about his suffering up on Cracker Mountain was his own damn fault.
I don't think any students' names should be used. They make Jens look bad and he wants revenge. He has already used his minions to strike at three of them.
Hi Francis -- can you elaborate? I would be very interested to know how and when this happened. Send me an email if you prefer. I may change the names when I have a minute, but I hardly think that after 3 decades, anyone's going to care.
wieder ein typischer Beitrag ganz nach Gutdünken aus dem Haysom Lager. Breitgetretene Storyline, Textbausteinartig kommentiert. Investigativer Journalismus? Fehlanzeige. Hier kommentiert eher ein Verteidiger von Haysom, aber niemand der Licht in dunkle Ecken des Falls bringen will. Offene Fragen aufgrund neuer Aussagen (Telefonate an Juveliere am Samstag, 400USD in DC, mit Greenberg nach DC, NH starb zuerst, Sörings Vater initiiert die Auslieferung nach Deutschland und nicht Schroeder) werden nicht offen analysiert sondern unter den Tisch fallen gelassen. Warum, ist ja auch viel zu unbequem. Lieber in einem Satz wegreden. Die Haysom, die übertreibt und Geschichten erfindet. Was für eine Verniedlichung für die Unwahrheit sagen, manipulieren und hochstapeln. Enden wir doch lieber bei Haysoms Remorse also gezeigt bereits in 1989. Und unterstreichen ihre geschilderten Tatdetails, treten Positives vom beauftragtem Gutachter Showalter (Verteidigung) breit und Sörings Motiv Geld. Nur komisch, dass Haysoms Familie 1995 immer noch keine Remorse sah, und gegen ihr Parole war.
Hauptsache Tilman(n) und die "vielen" Haysomfans auf allmystery (Frontman calligraphie) sind verzückt 😀 schliesslich fragst du ja auch schon ganz unverblümt in einem Forum deren Mithilfe gegen Söring an. Echter "Schwarmjournalismus".
The timing of the murders made no sense for Elizabeth and Showalter argued persuasively that she was an accessory after the fact. That was before the cinema tickets and room service receipt surfaced unexpectedly during Soering's trial.
I have just lost a couple of longish comments. This is a test response.
First of all, I was not implying I had new information about Jens using the Process to attack--to strike at--certain people. I do think he was yanked out of Brunswick and sent to Wallens Ridge (probably given fifteen minutes to pack his stuff) for remarks he made (years after he had entered the system) to a reporter obliquely (by way of EH perjurious and defamatory testimony) in a newspaper outside of the Ville, might have been the News and Advance. As you know, the prison doesn't need to say anything about prisoner infractions. They just act.
The students who spoke to the press , even some who allowed their names to be used, were following an unwritten tradition among the Jefferson scholars that if an occasion arose in which one could help the University, it would be the right thing to do. Jim Farmer was the one who told me that. Look what was done to his reputation. Do the Germans have a saying such as the English "Touch pitch and be defiled"?
The remarks were aimed at Mrs. Massie if framed in a discussion of unanswered questions about the case, and someone noticed them and spoke to the DOC about what turned out to be an actionable prisoner offense. So all of Jens's lamentations about his suffering up on Cracker Mountain was his own damn fault.
I don't think any students' names should be used. They make Jens look bad and he wants revenge. He has already used his minions to strike at three of them.
Hi Francis -- can you elaborate? I would be very interested to know how and when this happened. Send me an email if you prefer. I may change the names when I have a minute, but I hardly think that after 3 decades, anyone's going to care.
Ach Andrew,
wieder ein typischer Beitrag ganz nach Gutdünken aus dem Haysom Lager. Breitgetretene Storyline, Textbausteinartig kommentiert. Investigativer Journalismus? Fehlanzeige. Hier kommentiert eher ein Verteidiger von Haysom, aber niemand der Licht in dunkle Ecken des Falls bringen will. Offene Fragen aufgrund neuer Aussagen (Telefonate an Juveliere am Samstag, 400USD in DC, mit Greenberg nach DC, NH starb zuerst, Sörings Vater initiiert die Auslieferung nach Deutschland und nicht Schroeder) werden nicht offen analysiert sondern unter den Tisch fallen gelassen. Warum, ist ja auch viel zu unbequem. Lieber in einem Satz wegreden. Die Haysom, die übertreibt und Geschichten erfindet. Was für eine Verniedlichung für die Unwahrheit sagen, manipulieren und hochstapeln. Enden wir doch lieber bei Haysoms Remorse also gezeigt bereits in 1989. Und unterstreichen ihre geschilderten Tatdetails, treten Positives vom beauftragtem Gutachter Showalter (Verteidigung) breit und Sörings Motiv Geld. Nur komisch, dass Haysoms Familie 1995 immer noch keine Remorse sah, und gegen ihr Parole war.
Hauptsache Tilman(n) und die "vielen" Haysomfans auf allmystery (Frontman calligraphie) sind verzückt 😀 schliesslich fragst du ja auch schon ganz unverblümt in einem Forum deren Mithilfe gegen Söring an. Echter "Schwarmjournalismus".