The University of Hannover Legal Studies Society Proclaims Jens Soering Innocent
Another avoidable disgrace for German law schools and the German judiciary.
The Law Students’ Society of the University of Hannover has invited Jens Söring to speak on December 13, 2022. This is how they describe him:
Jens Söring was convicted of double murder in the USA and spent 33 years in an American prison for a crime he did not commit. More than three decades later, he is free, and is now an in-demand interview partner and speaker in his homeland.
Jens Söring wurde in den USA wegen Doppelmordes verurteilt und saß 33 Jahre in einem amerikanischen Gefängnis - für eine Tat, die er nicht begangen hat. Mehr als drei Jahrzehnte später ist er frei und ein gefragter Interviewpartner und Speaker in seiner Heimat.
To top it all off, Söring will be speaking at the Hannover Regional Court!
It’s amazing, truly amazing, that at this late date, there are still professors and law students — and perhaps even judges — willing not just to swallow Jens Söring’s lies, but even re-broadcast them. This is not only a disgrace to German law schools, but to the German judiciary.
As I’ve said before, I have no problem with Söring speaking to private gatherings such as wellness festivals or lecture series. But I draw the line when German public institutions funded by my tax dollars and which are supposed to foster truth and justice invite an unrepentant fraudster and murderer to mislead students. That is quite simply a disgrace. There is no other word for it.
Needless to say, I will be contacting the university and the court and offering my services free of charge to provide context, background, and critical questions. And of course if they decline my offer, I will show up anyway. Not to disrupt the presentation — a tactic I have always explicitly condemned — but to provide curious students with the information they need to form a balanced judgment, and to provide them with informed questions which will allow them to judge Söring’s credibility.
I am hoping this can all take place by means of a lively debate, but if not, then I will see if I can use my judicial contacts to rent a nearby courtroom and put on a Begleitveranstaltung (parallel event). Take it from me, many German judges will be deeply disturbed by this farce.
Here is a list of the sponsors of the Hannover Law Student’s Society. It’s a long list of judges, professors, and local lawyers who should be made aware of the questionable choice the Society has just made. The Chair of the sponsor society is Dr. Ralph Guise-Rübe, President of the Hannover Regional Court, who seems to be quite active on Instagram and on Facebook. If you choose to reach out, please remain polite and respectful. After all, anything you write will probably end up on Söring’s website.
What makes matters worse, this isn't a law students' society at all. It's a society of highly decorated law professionals, from judges to attorneys to professors. It would be more accurately translated as "Law Studies Association" or "Academic Law Association", and the list you linked to is the actual board (not a list of sponsors). The actual law students' society of Hannover is this: . Perhaps you'd want to reach out to them and let them know what sorts of idiocies their professors and/or superiors are up to?
Respect! You've written such a balanced and clear statement within about half an hour since you was informed by another crime thread. Wow !