Here you can download the video I referenced earlier. It’s an interview and discussion featuring the subject of this blog.
Why am I making it available? For several reasons. First, I paid for it. It was broadcast on public television, financed by my fees. I also paid a hefty fee to have that station find it in the archives and copy it.
But most importantly, this video needs to be preserved, because the public television station which had this copy was doing an inadequate job. First, as you can see, the video has a severe glitch (almost certainly a tape transcription error, nothing sinister). Second, the video is incomplete — some scenes have been edited out, as many people have noted. I have had to send many emails to the public television station trying to locate the full version of the video, but they insist this is the only one they have.
I encourage you to download it and keep a copy. I also have a request: Since the TV station apparently doesn’t have the full version of its own TV show (!), is there anywhere else that might? Is there some sort of general archive of German TV shows, whether digital or real life? Is there someone, perhaps a superfan of the host of this TV show, who might have recorded all of them? Where can I look to find the complete show? Any help would be appreciated.