How to give a dog an erection!
Believe it or not, this post is about the Jens Söring case. Hear me out!
In this YouTube video, Jens Söring claims that when he was admitted to Wallens Ridge Prison for 11 months about 22 years ago, the guard dogs had erections. Later, he claims, a guard told him that the dog-handlers had given male dogs hand-jobs so that the inmates would see the erections and know that both the guards and dogs were “totally horny for you” (“richtig richtig geil auf dich").
Söring even made some masturbation gestures, God help us all, to drive home the point. It looked like he was jacking off a hotdog:
Is this plausible? Well, I asked my sister, a renowned professional dog-breeder with decades of experience. To make a male dog get an erection, she responded,
Normally you need a ‘teaser bitch’ (in season), or, at a minimum a towel that has been rubbed on many bitches, in season.
In der Regel braucht man eine “Verführ-Hundin” (die gerade brünstig ist) oder zumindest ein Handtuch, die auf sehr viele brünstig Hundinnen gerieben worden war.
That seems to clear it up. The prison guards at Wallens Ridge State Prison in Virginia either paraded a bitch in season before the male dogs, or held a cloth impregnated with the pheromones of many in-season bitches before their noses, to force the male dogs to get erections. Just before the new arrivals came.
Seems legit to me. What do you think?
Als Katzenpapis würde ich mich besser nicht an Hundethemen rantrauen 😂😂
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